League of kingdoms (LOKA)

$ 0.182100000000000000

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The League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA) cryptocurrency coin is one of the few blockchain-based platforms built to enable players of the popular mobile game Arena of Valor to compete for real-life rewards. LOKA was launched in 2018 and is the first cryptocurrency established to incentivize players for competing in Arena of Valor matches. It is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain and its native token is named LOKA. LOKA was founded by a team of blockchain experts from Innobits, a software development company. Innobits is dedicated to closing the gap between blockchain and gaming. The team behind LOKA has also developed Voucher, a blockchain-based game ecosystem that rewards users for playing popular mobile games. What makes LOKA unique is its innovative way of rewarding players for playing the game Arena of Valor, which is one of the most popular mobile games in the world. Players earn LOKA tokens by competing in tournaments and they can use the tokens to purchase virtual items, redeem in-game rewards, or trade them on the digital asset exchange. In addition, LOKA also has a built-in gamification system called Bounty Cards, which allows players to collect cards that provide special in-game rewards or access to special tournaments. This ensures that players have unique experiences and helps build a strong sense of community within the platform. LOKA can be used in several ways, such as for payments, trading, and tournaments. Players can use their LOKA tokens to purchase virtual items, redeem in-game rewards, or participate in tournaments. LOKA tokens can be bought and sold on the digital asset exchange. It is listed on several popular exchanges such as Binance, Coinswitch, and Hotbit. However, it can be difficult to find reliable exchanges where LOKA tokens can be purchased, so it is always important to do your own research before making any purchase. Additionally, it is also important to always make sure that you remain secure while trading on any platform by making sure you read the terms and conditions of the exchange carefully. In conclusion, the League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA) cryptocurrency coin is a revolutionary project that has successfully created an exciting and rewarding gaming experience for Arena of Valor players. It is built on the Ethereum blockchain and offers players rewards in the form of LOKA tokens for competing in Arena of Valor tournaments. The tokens can also be used to purchase virtual items and redeem in-game rewards. The built-in gamification system further encourages players to remain engaged and loyal to the platform. LOKA tokens can be bought and sold on popular digital asset exchanges such as Binance, Coinswitch, and Hotbit.