Komodo (KMD)

$ 0.216400000000000000

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What is Komodo Coin (KMD)? Komodo is a privacy-centric blockchain technology developed by the SuperNet team, now better known as the Komodo Platform. It is the first fork from ZCash, a high-profile decentralized privacy-focused cryptocurrency that aims to provide users with enhanced privacy features. Who founded it? Komodo was launched in 2016 by the SuperNet team, which is spearheaded by its founder, JL777. JL777 is an experienced developer who was instrumental inbringing both BitcoinDark and SuperNET technologies to life. He is also the core developer of Komodo and is in charge of its roadmap and platform development. What Makes it Unique? Komodo is best known for its privacy and security features. Its technology is built on top of Zerocoin protocol, which means users’ transactions and digital assets are cloaked in a layer of privacy by default. This ensures that users’ financial activities are not exposed and are not traceable. Aside from its privacy-enhancing properties, Komodo also facilitates an efficient decentralized exchange, which allows users to exchange digital assets and cryptocurrencies without the need for an intermediary. This platform also offers an Atomic Swaps protocol which facilitates direct peer-to-peer trades without the need to trust either party. Where Does It Used? Komodo is a cryptocurrency that is used in the Komodo Ecosystem, which is a platform of diverse blockchain applications and services. These applications include the Komodo Network, which is a network of Komodo-based cryptocurrencies and the developers’ tools. Where to Buy/Sell It? Komodo Coins can be bought or sold in many major cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance and Bitfinex. Another option is to buy it with FIAT currency like USD or EUR directly at many exchanges. You can also purchase it with a credit card or debit card through services like Indacoin and Changelly, which allow for instant purchases. Finally, you can also buy Komodo coins directly from its official website with a trusted debit card and a higher exchange rate. Comments: Komodo (KMD) is an innovative cryptocurrency that is focused on providing privacy and anonymity for users. Equipped with Zerocoin protocol, Komodo can cloak transactions from being visible and public. The Komodo blockchain also uses Atomic Swaps which allows users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with one another, eliminating middlemen and increasing trust in the system. The Komodo platform also offers a wide array of services and applications and can be bought or sold through major exchanges and some trusted services.