Gas (GAS)

$ 2.370000000000000000

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What is Gas crypto currency? Gas crypto currency is a cryptocurrency created by the NEO blockchain platform. It is similar to Ethereum in that it is based on a distributed ledger technology and allows for the development of smart contracts and decentralized applications. Gas is unique in that it is used as a reward system for NEO users and developers. Who founded it? Gas was founded by the NEO Council, a blockchain technology company. The NEO Council is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the development of the open-source blockchain platform. What Makes it Unique? Gas is unique in that it is the native token of the NEO blockchain. It is also used to help power the NEO network. Unlike other digital currencies, Gas has an active mining reward that creates an incentive to keep the network running. Additionally, Gas is used as a reward for participating in the NEO network, and helps to encourage the development of decentralized applications. Where does it used? Gas is used to reward users for holding NEO, trading GAS tokens on exchange platforms, and completing transactions on the NEO blockchain. It can also be used to facilitate transactions and micropayments, buy goods and services, and pay for services on decentralized applications. Where to buy/sell it? Gas can be bought and sold on major cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, Huobi Global, KuCoin, and OKEx. There are also several decentralized trading platforms that allow users to buy and sell GAS tokens. Additionally, Gas can be purchased using fiat currency or other digital currencies on peer-to-peer platforms.