Game (GTC)

$ 0.836000000000000000

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Description (GTC) is a cryptocurrency coin developed by the digital entertainment platform of the same name. The platform, founded in 2017 by Russian technology firm Xecutives, is designed to revolutionize the global gaming industry. It provides a suite of blockchain-driven tools for developers, players, and investors in the gaming community to facilitate data exchange, loyalty programs, and more. Developers on the platform are encouraged to create blockchain-based applications that allow users to conduct secure, safe, and private transactions. This encourages a secure economy, with the team behind the platform aiming to provide a platform that can not only entertain the millions of gamers worldwide, but also can facilitate safe, secure, and transparent transactions. The platform also wants to ensure that gamers and developers receive the proper compensation for their work and investments in gaming. This compensation is made possible by the GTC Token, the native token of the platform. The GTC Token was launched in 2017 as an ERC-20 token and was later migrated to the blockchain in March 2021. The token is used as the primary medium of exchange between the users and developers of the platform, providing a secure and reliable form of payment. The team behind believes that their blockchain-based gaming platform will revolutionize the gaming industry and promote a secure economy that benefits all stakeholders. The GTC Token is currently used as a tool for developers to pay for services, as well as compensate users for their active participation in the development of gaming applications. It can also be used for token staking and liquidity mining. Additionally, players are rewarded for activities such as playing games and engaging in tournaments, with GTC Tokens being used as the monetary reward for these activities. cryptocurrency coin can be bought and sold on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges. Popular exchanges that list GTC Token include Binance, Huobi Global, OKEx, HotBit, and UPbit. It can also be bought on cryptocurrency-fiat exchanges such as Uphold and Users can store GTC Token safely in any ERC-20 compatible wallet. In conclusion, (GTC) is a cryptocurrency coin developed by digital entertainment platform Xecutives. Its primary purpose is to revolutionize the global gaming industry by providing a secure and reliable platform for developers, players, and investors. The GTC Token is used as the medium of exchange for all services and activities within the platform, and can be bought and sold on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges.