DeHub (DEHUB) is a cryptocurrency coin that was created by a development team led by Alexei Lubomirski in 2017. It seeks to provide a network of decentralised infrastructure and a platform for real-world applications. The main concept behind DeHub is the creation of a decentralised ecosystem built on a Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus algorithm where it decentralises infrastructure to allow fast and secure transactions. This gives everyone using it the same visibility, security and trust permissions and allows developers to create, manage and execute contracts and transactions with an immutable record of all data transactions. What makes DeHub unique is its hybrid consensus algorithm, which is a mixture between Proof of Authority and Proof of Stake. This technology allows the network to receive transactions quickly and securely and in return provides rewards for the stakers who help secure the network from nefarious activity. DeHub is widely used within the gaming industry, where it is used as a payment solution for in-game purchases and peer-to-peer transactions. It is also used for digital asset transfers, paying for services on decentralized applications, as well as for commercial transactions. DeHub can be purchased, stored and sold at various exchanges and wallets, including Hotbit, IDEX and Bithumb. It can also be stored in hardware wallets such as Ledger and Trezor. Overall, DeHub provides an efficient way to transfer value without the need for a trusted third party. The hybrid consensus algorithm ensures that transactions are fast and secure, while providing users with rewards for staking the network. It is widely used within the gaming industry, as well as for digital asset transfers, paying for services and commercial transactions.