Cortex (CTXC)

$ 0.120100000000000000

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What is Cortex (CTXC)? Cortex is a blockchain-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) autonomous system that leverages the Ethereum blockchain to facilitate artificial intelligence on the blockchain. Cortex’s platform enables users to develop and deploy AI-driven smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). Cortex was founded in 2017 by scientists Yudi Ren, Qiyu Dai and Alan Liu who are experienced in the field of AI and blockchain technology. Who Founded It? Cortex was founded in 2017 by scientists Yudi Ren, Qiyu Dai and Alan Liu. Yudi Ren is the lead scientist behind Cortex. He has experience in machine learning and blockchain, having worked at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Qiyu Dai is the team’s blockchain expert, having worked on various blockchain projects including Ethereum. Finally, Alan Liu is a serial entrepreneur who has founded multiple companies in the past. What Makes it Unique? Cortex is unique due its ability to combine blockchain and AI by using “Smart Contracts”, which can be defined as a computer program that is programmed to execute specific rules and conditions without being subject to the same risk levels as traditional financial contracts. Cortex’s platform utilizes “Smart Contracts” to facilitate AI-driven operations. This allows users of Cortex to develop, deploy and validate AI applications on the blockchain. Where Does It Used? Cortex’s platform is designed to be used primarily for AI applications. This includes applications such as autonomous vehicles, facial recognition and natural language processing. The Cortex platform provides various services for the development and deployment of AI applications. These include data monetization services, AI model training, and AI application testing services. Where to Buy/Sell It? Cortex (CTXC) can be purchased and sold on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance, OKEx, Bitfinex, KuCoin and Huobi Global. It is also possible to purchase Cortex (CTXC) directly with fiat currencies on some exchanges or platforms such as Uphold and Comments: It sounds like Cortex (CTXC) is a cryptocurrency designed to make AI technology more accessible through blockchain smart contracts. It seems like they have an experienced team behind their project and a variety of services they offer. It is interesting to see how Cortex (CTXC) can revolutionize the way AI applications are developed and used.