Coin98 (C98)

$ 0.146000000000000000

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Coin98 (C98) is a cryptocurrency coin founded in December 2017 by CoLearn Limited. It is classified as a “fully trustless” decentralized cryptocurrency and is built on the Ethereum blockchain. It is the only cryptocurrency coin that combines both Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Proof-of-Work (PoW) as its consensus mechanism. Coin98 is unique for a few reasons. Firstly, it is the first cryptocurrency coin to combine both PoS and PoW. This allows for faster transaction times, as well as increased security and reliability. Additionally, it has added features such as a total supply cap of 21 million coins, and a new innovative consensus algorithm called Verifiable Random Function (VRF). With VRF, the blockchain is able to make decisions based on recorded votes or randomness, meaning it is not vulnerable to attacks as other consensus algorithms are. Coin98 is used for trading as well as a medium of exchange. Its developers have an ambitious plan to make it accepted by more and more businesses and vendors, thus making it easier for users to transact using C98. As of now, it is available to be bought and sold on various crypto exchanges, including HitBTC, IDEX and DDEX. If you’re looking to buy or sell Coin98, the first step would be to identify an exchange or broker that supports this coin. Once that’s done, you can then exchange fiat money or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum for C98. In addition to this, it is possible to buy C98 in online stores that accept it as a form of payment. Coin98 is an ambitious and promising project that has the potential to revolutionize the cryptocurrency industry. It combines both PoS and PoW consensus mechanisms, along with a total supply cap of 21 million coins and a newer, more secure consensus algorithm, making it a competitive cryptocurrency. With its developers’ ambitious plans, Coin98 is likely to be accepted by more and more businesses and vendors in the near future, making it easier for users to transact using it.