Coin2.1 (C2) is a digital currency that has been around since 2013 and has seen significant growth since its creation. It was founded by a group of experienced developers and entrepreneurs from the cryptocurrency field, who sought to create an alternative form of payment that is secure, stable and easy to use. The Coin2.1 cryptocurrency is based on the SHA-256 algorithm which is widely regarded as being secure. It also utilises peer-to-peer technology which ensures fast, secure and near-instantaneous transactions. It also features Segwit which enables faster transaction times and lower transaction fees. A unique feature of C2 is its Proof-of-Stake algorithm which encourages users to “stake” their coins. This means they can earn interest on the amount staked, providing an incentive to hold the coin and help the network secure the blockchain. Coin2.1 is widely used in a variety of industries, including online merchants, online gaming sites, and in digital asset trading. It has also been adopted by major cryptocurrency exchanges, where it can be bought and sold for other digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. In terms of purchasing and selling Coin2.1, there are many reputable exchanges that offer C2, the most popular being Bittrex, Poloniex and Cryptopia. All will require you to register an account before being able to trade, and you can buy and sell with other digital coins or fiat currency such as USD, CAD, EUR and GBP. Overall, Coin2.1 is an innovative cryptocurrency with a range of advantages over traditional currencies and other forms of digital payment. Its secure and fast transactions, low fees and potential for staking rewards make it an attractive option for businesses and traders alike.