Cindicator (CND)

$ 0.072432690000000000

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Cindicator (CND) is a decentralized cryptocurrency token used for tokenizing the predictive analytics market. It is founded by Yuri Lobyntsev, Mike Brusov, and Artem Baranov in 2015, in order to create a platform that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to forecast financial and other real-world events. The platform also uses unique collective intelligence from a global community of expert analysts to create much more reliable predictions. The CND cryptocurrency is built on the Ethereum blockchain and is used as an incentive for active users on the Cindicator platform. Cindicator is the first token offering of its kind that focuses on predictions, which makes the project quite unique. The Cindicator platform is composed of both centralized (CeM) and decentralized (CeA) autonomous machine learning networks. The CeM (Centralized Machine Learning) network is made up of a team of quantitative finance experts and data scientists who create and manage predictive models in order to make accurate forecasts based on machine learning and artificial intelligence. The CeA (Cindicator Autonomous) network is a decentralized network of experts from different fields who vote on different events and use collective intelligence to improve predictive accuracy. The CND token is used to incentivize users for their participation and for providing accurate analysis and forecasts. It can be used to purchase products and services offered on the Cindicator platform and can also be exchanged for major currencies as well as other crypto tokens. You can purchase CND from a variety of major exchanges including Binance and Huobi. The token is available for trade for both fiat and other crypto tokens, like Bitcoin and Ethereum. You can also purchase it with the help of a cryptocurrency wallet app like Coinbase and Atomic Wallet. Comments Cindicator could be a great way to make use of collective intelligence and machine learning to make more accurate predictions. It has a unique token system that incentivizes users for their participation. The platform seems promising and could be a good way to make sound investments.