Chesscoin (CHESS)

$ 0.121100000000000000

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ChessCoin is an open-source cryptocurrency powered by blockchain technology. ChessCoin is also known as CHESS, and it is a decentralized digital asset created to promote and support the global chess community. It is used to reward chess players for their efforts and promote the growth of chess. ChessCoin was created by a group of chess players who wanted to create a universal digital currency that could be used by anyone, regardless of their nationality or location. ChessCoin is based on the open-source NXT protocol, which is known for its security, speed and reliability. The ChessCoin blockchain technology uses a unique consensus algorithm which allows transactions to be confirmed within 24 hours. This platform is secure and also provides users with anonymity, allowing them to remain anonymous while they buy, sell and trade CHESS. What Makes it Unique? ChessCoin is unique compared to other cryptocurrencies in that it sets itself apart by being a decentralized currency issued for the sole purpose of the global chess community. It is designed to be used by everyone and has a strong focus on rewarding the effort and mentality of chess players. ChessCoin also has a unique currency conversion platform which allows users to easily convert their ChessCoins into different currencies such as USD, EUR and GBP with a single click. This allows users to quickly and conveniently use their ChessCoins to purchase items or services they need. Where is it used? The ChessCoin platform provides various ways to use their coins. The most popular way is to use them to purchase chess-related products or services. There is an online marketplace for ChessCoin users which allows them to buy and sell items without having to go through a third-party service. There are also several online chess tournaments which are powered by the ChessCoin blockchain. Users can take part in these tournaments and get rewarded for their plays. This serves to promote the game of chess among the cryptocurrency community and its enthusiasts. Where to buy/sell ChessCoin? ChessCoin can be purchased or sold on several leading cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Bittrex, Poloniex, HitBTC and This ensures that users can easily purchase, sell and trade their ChessCoins with other investors. Conclusion By combining the power of cryptocurrency and chess, ChessCoin has become one of the most unique and innovative cryptocurrencies currently on the market. It provides users with a convenient way to purchase, trade and use CHESS while being anonymous. The platform has a strong focus on rewarding and promoting chess and is a must-have for any chess enthusiast.