Celer network (CELR)

$ 0.012320000000000000

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What is Celer Network? Celer Network (CELR) is a layer-2 scaling solution that enables efficient, low-cost, and fast transactions with off-chain construction. It is a blockchain-agnostic off-chain scaling platform that enables dApps and users to experience highly-scalable and cost-effective transactions, without sacrificing security and decentralization. Celer Network strives to make decentralized smart contract platforms much easier to use by providing infrastructure for near-instant, low-fee transactions. Who founded it? Celer Network was founded by four research scientists from MIT, UC Berkeley, Princeton, and UIUC. The founding team includes several heavyweights in the blockchain and distributed system research world, such as Dr Mo Dong (Princeton University), PhD Chief Scientist; Dr Qifan Pu (MIT), PhD Chief Technology Offier and Dr Junda Liu (UIUC), PhD Chief Architect. What Makes it Unique? Celer is a layer-2 scaling solution that offers both off-chain scaling and on-chain settlement capability. This allows developers to build dApps with faster, lower-cost transactions. The platform is also extremely customizable and modular, enabling developers to choose between public and private channels with different tradeoff between scalability and security. In addition, it is designed to be blockchain-agnostic, and can work with multiple blockchains such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Hyperledger, and Solana. Finally, Celer's Matchmaking & Payment Network enables developers to easily implement complex payment logic, including conditional payments and atomic swaps. Where is it Used? Celer is being used by a number of organizations and developers to build dApps and decentralized exchanges with near-instant transactions and low fees. It has already been used to build games, digital asset exchanges, payment services, and prediction markets. Where to Buy/Sell it? CELR tokens are available for purchase and sale on various major exchanges such as Binance, Huobi Global, OKEx, Bitmax, and Gate.io. You can also purchase the tokens on decentralized exchanges, such as Uniswap, Sushiswap, and 1inch.