Blockmason (BCPT)

$ 0.247622200000000000

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What is Blockmason Credit Protocol Crypto Currency? Blockmason Credit Protocol (BCPT) is a decentralized cryptocurrency based on the Ethereum blockchain. It is an open source, public digital asset designed to facilitate payments of online goods and services within a secure, peer-to-peer blockchain network. BCPT allows users to store their digital assets and transfer value in a secure and trustless manner. Who Founded it? Blockmason Credit Protocol was founded by a dedicated group of blockchain visionaries from the San Francisco Bay area who came together with the common goal of creating a blockchain-based lending and credit settlement system. The team consists of blockchain engineers and entrepreneurs with experience in the fields of finance, technology, and cryptocurrency. What Makes it Unique? BCPT is unique in its ability to create and track smart contracts for peer-to-peer lending and credit trading. Smart contracts are digital contracts that can be securely executed, tracked and confirm without requiring a third-party. BCPT also supports marketplace lending, allowing users to borrow and lend to and from other users. Where Does it Used? BCPT is used as a digital currency to pay for goods and services online, while also being used to store digital assets and facilitate peer-to-peer lending and credit agreements. It is a global digital currency and can be used to facilitate payments and transactions with businesses and individuals across the globe. Where to Buy/Sell it? BCPT can be bought and sold on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, Kucoin, and HitBTC. It can also be purchased from brokers who offer the currency in exchange for fiat currencies. BCPT also has its own wallet, which allows users to store their coins and cryptographically secure payments.