Beam (BEAM)

$ 0.065200000000000000

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What is Beam Crypto Currency? Beam (BEAM) is a cryptocurrency that focuses on privacy, scalability, and fungibility. Beam uses a unique cryptography called mimblewimble to implement a private and efficient blockchain that does not store or broadcast transaction data publicly like Bitcoin. The Beam protocol enables users to make secure and confidential transactions that keep the sender, receiver and amount of the transaction private. Who Founded It? Beam was founded by Alexander Zaidelson and other investors in January 2018. The project was officially announced in March 2018, and the mainnet launched in January 2019. The project has been growing steadily ever since and has developed a wide range of cryptocurrency-related applications and services. What Makes It Unique? The Beam crypto currency uses a unique technology called mimblewimble to implement its privacy and scalability features. Mimblewimble is a cryptographic protocol that obfuscates transaction data and requires both users to cooperate to validate a transaction, making Beam truly trustless and secure. Beam also makes use of an opt-in confidential transaction feature which combines transaction data and user data in an encrypted form, allowing quick and privacy preserving transactions. Where Does It Used? Beam is primarily used as a store of value and medium of exchange, similar to Bitcoin. It has seen some use as a payment currency, but is primarily intended for private and secure transactions. Where to Buy/Sell It? Beam can be bought or sold on many popular cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, Huobi, and OKEx. It can also be purchased with fiat currencies through Beam is also available on many crypto wallets, including Atomic Wallet and Exodus.