Band protocol (BAND)

$ 1.400000000000000000

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Band Protocol (BAND) is a decentralized and cross-chain data oracle platform that allows smart contracts to access secure, timely and accurate off-chain data. It is protocol designed for secure and reliable data fetching for dApps with data sources both on-chain and off-chain. Band Protocol is being developed by the Band Protocol team, led by the founders Soravis Srinawakoon, Sorawit Suriyakarn, and Paul Nattapatsiri. Band Protocol is powered by their native token, BAND. The BAND token is a governance, staking, and reward token used within the Band Protocol ecosystem. What Makes Band Protocol unique? Band Protocol is unique in the ability to access both on-chain and off-chain data. This allows smart contracts to access data from sources outside the blockchain, such as real-world data, and this is where Band Protocol shines. This is extremely useful for applications like prediction markets and decentralized finance (DeFi). Band Protocol is also designed for scalability both on and off the chain. Band Protocol’s oracle system utilizes both a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus model and sharding to ensure secure and efficient data delivery. Furthermore, the platform is powered by the BandChain blockchain which has been designed specifically to support decentralized oracles and data integrity. Where is Band Protocol Used? Band Protocol is used by dApps to access off-chain data. This is useful for applications such as decentralized finance (DeFi), games, and prediction markets. Band Protocol is currently being used by some popular projects such as, Synthetix, AtomDex, Anyswap, and others. How Do I Buy or Sell Band Protocol? Band Protocol can be bought or sold on numerous cryptocurrency exchanges. The most popular exchanges that list BAND include Binance, Huobi Global, KuCoin, Uniswap, and Sushiswap.