Ark (ARK)

$ 0.452500000000000000

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Ark (ARK) is a cryptocurrency that was created to provide users and businesses with a fast, secure, and most importantly, user-friendly cryptocurrency solution. Ark has been around since 2017 and is run by a decentralized network of users and independent developers. The development team behind Ark was a combination of entrepreneurs, developers, engineers, and designers from around the world. The team, led by founder and CEO Francois-Xavier Thoorens, focused on making Ark as easy to use as possible and on developing the underlying technology required to do so. What makes Ark unique amongst other cryptocurrencies is its clever and multi-aspect approach when it comes to dApp and smart contract capabilities. Ark boasts a unique SmartBridge technology which allows users to interact with other blockchains by sending a coded message to any blockchain supported. In addition to SmartBridge, Ark has been working on developing a system of customizable block explorers for public use, along with a Point-of-Sale payment gateway for business owners. Ark is used in many different applications. The most popular use-cases for Ark so far include making payments, trading goods and services, crowd-funding, and rewarding contributors in the crypto-space. In addition to these applications, it is also possible to tokenize and represent any asset on the Ark blockchain, thereby making it suitable for different applications such as digital identity, digital asset management, and masternode services. Ark is available for purchase against a variety of traditional and digital currencies, including BTC, ETH, and USDT. This makes buying and selling Ark relatively straightforward, as you can access the currency through many of the world’s largest exchanges, including Binance, Huobi, Kraken and Bittrex, to name a few. In conclusion, Ark is a powerful and user-friendly cryptocurrency solution. Its combination of SmartBridge technology, custom block explorers, and Point-of-Sale payment gateway make it more versatile and user accessible than other cryptocurrencies. And because it is backed by a large development team and has a larger user base compared to other cryptocurrencies, it is incredibly easy to buy and sell, with a number of the world’s largest exchanges offering support.