Aion (AION)

$ 0.009430000000000000

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Aion is a Canadian based open source blockchain company founded in 2017 by CEO Matthew Spoke and CTO Jin Tu. It is dedicated to developing a public blockchain capable of interoperability amongst different public and private blockchains. Aion's protocol is a 3rd generation blockchain which creates bridge networks, enabling various blockchains to communicate with one another. The protocol provides rich functionality which can be used to customize and secure the connection between networks. Aion's coin, AION, works as an incentive to power the network and facilitate transactions. AION tokens are used to secure communication between networks, vote on changes to the network, pay for goods and services, and incentivize network participation. What makes Aion unique is its wide range of capabilities. It allows for a huge range of interoperable applications, focusing on scalability and security. The Aion Virtual Machine is used to build distributed applications and securely store data. The Aion Network also enables developers to implement consensus algorithms, run distributed servers, and develop micropayment applications. Aion can be used to create decentralized applications and offers a legal framework which can be used to protect private data and create secure communications. It can also be used to create customized digital tokens and securely trade assets on private blockchains. Aion can be bought and sold on a variety of exchanges, such as Binance, Huobi, Kraken, and HitBTC. It can also be traded on decentralized exchanges like Kyber, Ethfinex, and Bancor. In conclusion, Aion is an interesting project that provides a wide range of capabilities and applications. It can be used to create secure private networks and enable interoperability amongst different blockchains. It’s AION tokens can be used as a medium of exchange, offering users a secure and fast way to transact assets between networks. Aion is definitely worth looking into for any blockchain enthusiast.