1inch (1INCH)

$ 0.259200000000000000

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1inch Network (1INCH) is a decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator that provides customers the ability to find the best deals for trading cryptocurrencies across major exchanges. It was founded in 2019 by Sergej Kunz and Anton Bukov, both blockchain veterans and software engineers who had previously worked on decentralized technologies. 1inch Network is designed to make crypto trading more efficient, less expensive, and safer. It aggregates a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges, giving traders access to the best available market prices across all exchanges at any given time. Instead of trading on each exchange individually, 1inch Network finds the lowest price available and allows users to transfer tokens broadcasted and cleared via an automated order router. The 1inch blockchain runs on Ethereum’s platform and is powered by smart contracts that secure and execute trades. What makes 1inch Network unique is its ability to provide users with the most optimal prices. This is achieved through a combination of algorithmic routing, market-making, and arbitrage bots. The best available orders from exchanges are automatically routed to 1inch’s users. Price optimization is also achieved through arbitrage bots, which are designed to identify and take advantage of market opportunities. 1inch Network is used by individuals and institutions for a variety of reasons, including to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, transfers, investments, portfolio diversification, and more. The platform supports a wide range of tokens, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and more. You can purchase 1inch on a variety of exchanges, including Huobi Global, Binance, and Bitfinex. You can also purchase 1inch directly from the 1inch web platform, though you will need to connect your Ethereum wallet like Metamask or Trust Wallet to the platform first. Overall, 1inch Network provides customers with the ability to trade cryptocurrencies efficiently and safely while getting the best price available. It is powered by a variety of algorithmic trading tools and integrated with a network of top exchanges, making it faster and more cost-effective than traditional crypto trading methods.