The Vice Global Fund is a mutual fund that is managed by USA Mutuals that aims to focus its investments on vice industries which are generally considered as socially irresponsible investments. The Fund primarily invests in stocks generating the majority of their revenue from the alcohol, tobacco, gaming, and defense industries. It is an actively managed fund that seeks to generate long-term growth by investing in companies from these vice industries.

The Vice Global Fund sees these industries as strong drivers of the global economy and provides an opportunity for investors to reap the rewards associated with these industries. The Fund seeks to capitalize on opportunities that may arise from market cycles within the vice industries and to employ a disciplined investment process to achieve long-term growth and income.

The Fund’s portfolio managers combine their due diligence and analysis of the industry, companies, products, and services to ensure a diversified portfolio that is focused on creating sustainable returns. The Fund’s portfolio contains a wide range of companies that have a long history of success in the industry, whose products and services have proven track records and whose managements have a deep understanding of the sector.

The Vice Global Fund launched in 2002 as the Vitium Global Fund before returning to its original name in 2021. In 2019, the Fund changed its name to differentiate it from other funds that focus on similar industries. The changes implemented in 2019 maintain the Fund’s focus on seeking long-term opportunities and returns while also helping investors understand the Fund’s mandate.

The Vice Global Fund has a seven-year track record of strong performance, with steady growth over the last six years. As of May 2021, the Fund’s total return for the seven-year period was 32.9%. The Fund invests in companies with the potential to generate long-term growth through industry trends and proprietary investment strategy.

Ultimately, the Vice Global Fund provides investors with an opportunity to gain exposure to companies from industries often considered as socially irresponsible investments. By investing in the companies within these industries, the Fund seeks to generate long-term growth and income for investors, while also recognizing that these industries may be facing a unique set of risks.