Value Network Analysis (VNA) is a method of analysis that focuses on the relationships between actors (both individuals and organizations) and resources within a particular system or industry. VNA is used to assess the overall value potential within a network or system, identify potential value streams and risks, and to increase overall efficiency and profitability. VNA is a useful tool for companies to develop new strategies, identify optimal partnerships and maximize their competitive advantage.

VNA is based on network theory, which sees opportunities for value arising from the different connections among actors and resources. It is different from classic competitive analysis, focusing on competitive roles instead of competitive players, for a holistic understanding of the whole ecosystem. By looking at the relationships among different players and resources, VNA provides insights into how value is created and transferred in a given system.

VNA starts with a data collection process to understand the different elements of the network. This includes identifying the different actors and resources, as well as their relationships. VNA then seeks to understand the value that each actor or resource provides to the network, as well as the channels through which value is flowing. Additionally, the analysis can be used to identify potential areas of collaboration, highlight opportunities for creating new partnerships, sources of competitive advantage, and areas of potential risk.

The insights gained from a VNA analysis can be utilized to identify potential strategies and initiatives, foster collaboration, and create value. With the analysis, companies can better understand their market, and adjust their strategy in response. Companies can also use it to identify potential partners with complementary skills and resources, enabling them to build strong and advantageous alliances.

VNA is a valuable tool for companies and organizations that want to get the most value out of their resources and maximize their competitive edge. By understanding the actors and resources in an industry, companies can view their ecosystem and devise strategies to operate more efficiently, create more value, and maximize the potential of the network.