Subjective probability is a type of assessment of a given outcome's likelihood of being true that is derived directly from an individual's personal judgment. The elements that constitute subjective probability are directly related to a particular individual, their personal experiences, and their opinion of a given outcome. It is in contrast to the more widely accepted ones of analyzing objective measures, such as scientific data or calculated probabilities.

It is important to note that subjective probability is not a scientific measure and relies heavily on the individual's personal judgment and subjective perspectives. It does not involve any calculations and does not consider data, computations, or empirical evidence. It is based strictly on the individual's understanding and interpretations of the situation. As a result, subjective probabilities tend to vary from person to person because there is a high degree of personal bias attributed to the assessment.

Subjective probability can be used in a variety of situations, but is most commonly found in forecasting or predicting the future. It can be applied to everything from deciding which investments to make, how to arrange a wedding, or what actions to take in a political situation. Analyzing and weighing the various subjective probabilities can provide insight into an individual's decision-making process, whether it is right or wrong.

Subjective probability can also be beneficial when making predictions or making decisions regarding an irregular event with a high degree of uncertainty. While the objective approach of analyzing scientific data and computed probabilities is a valid and often reliable method, it does not take into consideration the personal factors that can influence the outcome of any given situation. By incorporating subjective probability into the decision-making process, one can gain an understanding of how their own personal judgment, values, and experiences may affect the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Overall, while subjective probability is not a very reliable scientific tool, it can provide insights into an individual's personal outlook on a given situation and the probability that a given outcome will occur. It can be a useful tool in assessing various possibilities and weighing the personal aspects of any decision. However, it is important to be aware of the inherent bias and subjectivity inherent in subjective probability, which could lead to inaccurate results.