The Series 3 is a nationwide computer-based exam taken by individuals seeking to become an Associated Person (AP) of Futures Commission Merchants (FCMs). This exam is also referred to as the National Commodity Futures Examination and is administered by FINRA on behalf of the National Futures Association (NFA). It certifies that a person has the knowledge and understanding of the rules and regulations applicable to the trading of commodity futures contracts and options on those contracts.

The Series 3 exam is composed of 125 multiple-choice questions, divided into eight sections covering topics such as customer accounts, trading activities, terminology, sales concepts, hedging, settlement and clearing procedures, margin requirements, and options. Candidates must answer at least 85 of the questions correctly in order to pass the exam. In addition to the multiple-choice questions, there are also sample customer accounts and trading scenarios that the candidate must also answer correctly in order to pass.

When a candidate passes the Series 3 exam, they can then register with the NFA as an Associated Person (AP). An AP is someone who is qualified to sell commodity futures contracts and options on commodity futures contracts. These contracts allow investors to hedge their risk, speculate on prices, and profit from price movements in the commodities market.

For individuals interested in working in the commodities and futures markets, the Series 3 exam is not the only option. In addition to the Series 3, potential candidates may also consider taking other exams, such as the Series 30, the Series 31, the Series 32, or the Series 34. Each of these exams has its own set of requirements and focuses on different aspects of the derivatives markets.

The Series 3 exam is available in two levels: the Level I Certification for individuals who are just entering the commodities and futures market, and the Level II Certification for more experienced traders. Both levels of the exam require candidates to demonstrate a solid understanding of the NFA's rules and regulations, as well as best practices for trading a variety of financial products.

In summary, the Series 3 exam is a comprehensive and challenging exam that certifies individuals are knowledgeable and qualified to sell commodity futures contracts and options on those contracts. Candidates who pass the Series 3 exam will receive an Associated Person (AP) designation from the NFA and will be qualified to work in the commodities and futures market. In addition to the Series 3, candidates may also consider taking other exams, such as the Series 30, the Series 31, the Series 32, or the Series 34, each of which has its own set of requirements and focuses on different aspects of the derivatives markets.