Optimized Portfolio As Listed Securities (OPALS) is an innovative financial strategy designed to provide diversified and risk-balanced asset allocations to individual investors, also known as “digital asset allocations.” This strategy is based on a model of portfolio optimization, which attempts to maximize returns while minimizing portfolio risk. As its name suggests, the strategy involves use of listed securities or stocks for which exchange traded funds (ETFs) exist.

The OPALS strategy works by automatically selecting, monitoring and adjusting an investor’s portfolio of listed securities through an algorithm that uses information from both the global markets and an investor’s personal goals. The algorithm is designed to create efficient portfolios tailored to an investor’s needs. This gives retail investors the ability to enjoy the benefits of larger investment firms, who are able to use sophisticated methods to optimize portfolios for their clients.

The OPALS strategy was created with investors in mind, as it can create portfolios with a variety of assets that offer the potential for higher returns without the large risk associated with individual investments. It also allows investors to track their investments more closely, while receiving guidance on how to best manage the portfolio.

The OPALS model uses four core asset classes—fixed income, equities, and ETFs—and allows investors to structure their investments on the basis of their goals, risk profile and liquidity needs. This approach is suitable for both individual and institutional investors and also provides flexibility in portfolio construction, as the model can be tailored to each investor’s specific goals.

For investors providing OPALS with funds, the strategy creates a diversified portfolio by investing a portion of their funds into the four core asset classes, while taking into consideration the individual’s financial goals and constraints. The model allows investors to choose from a wide variety of ETFs, and can dynamically adjust the portfolio when needed due to market changes, or the investor’s changing needs.

Overall, the OPALS strategy is a great way for investors to experience the benefits of portfolio optimization without the risks associated with individual investments. It provides a diversified, risk-balanced low-cost, and customized asset allocation that can be tailored to meet individual needs. Compared to traditional asset allocations, the OPALS model allows investors to track their investments more closely while still receiving guidance on how to best manage their portfolio.