The Oprah Effect is the phenomenon of a sales or industry boom caused by an appearance on the popular TV talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show. The Oprah Effect refers to how appearances on the show resulted in significantly increased sales and awareness of some of the world's most successful businesses, products, and services.

The Oprah Effect is widely accepted as one of the most powerful influence on commercial products and services, often providing an even higher boost in sales than traditional forms of advertising, often referred to as the "Oprah Bump". When something appeared on Oprah's show, it was almost a surefire way of success. For businesses seeking to get their products more wide recognition and increased profits, it was one of the most successful strategies that they could use.

Companies featured on the show have seen gains that have been reported by Newsweek magazine as "Oprahifying". Appearances on the show are considered so prestigious that businesses often request to have a "Re-Oprah" or for the show to feature their products or services again.

The power of Oprah's endorsement became even more evident after the launch of her magazine, O magazine. The magazine's inaugural issue sold more than 500 thousand copies and was on course to become the second most successful magazine launch in history.

The product or service featured on the show are often associated with Oprah and her endorsement, even after the episode featuring them has passed. With the boost in sales and recognition as a result of being on the show, products and services are associated with Oprah and her brand, both domestically and internationally.

The Oprah Effect has become an important tool for businesses attempting to increase sales and gain branding recognition. Additionally, the show serves to promote causes and movements, such as "Oprah’s Favorite Things" and in this way the Oprah Effect works to bring recognition and appreciation to smaller, lesser known companies and products.

The Oprah Effect has become one of the most powerful influence on products and services in the world. Companies and entrepreneurs who are able to secure an appearance on the show for their product or service are likely to experience a healthy boost in profits and branding awareness. The Oprah Effect provides a huge opportunity for businesses to increase their reach and extend their potential for success.