Net receivables is a key measure of financial performance for any business. It represents the total amount of money that customers owe the company, minus any amount that appears unlikely to be recovered. This measure can provide crucial information to companies in assessing their overall financial health and setting goals.

Net receivables measures the total amount of credit extended to customers, including invoices that have yet to be paid and overdue payments. As such, they are an important source of short-term liquidity and provide cash flow forecasting, working capital management and credit risk analysis that all help a company to make informed decisions.

To calculate net receivables, companies must first understand their accounts receivable, which is the total amount of money owed to them by customers. Companies then need to subtract bad debt, or money that is unlikely to be collected from customers who are delinquent in payments. This number becomes the company's net receivables.

Companies can improve their net receivables by tightening their credit policies and implementing efficient collection procedures. By limiting the amount of credit extended to clients and demanding payment on timely basis, companies can reduce their risk of bad debts. Additionally, investing in customer relationship management (CRM) software, implementing automated payment reminders and setting up online payment portals can all streamline the collections process and increase the chances of customers making prompt payments.

Net receivables is an important performance measure for businesses, as it can help inform decisions related to working capital and risk assessment. Companies should monitor their accounts receivable on a regular basis, consider the overall creditworthiness of their clients and tighten their credit policies in order to ensure optimal net receivables. Doing so will enable them to operate more efficiently and maintain healthy finances.