Green Monday, the second Monday in December, is one of the most successful retail shopping days in the US. Originating from eBay in 2007, this phrase referred to the most profitable sales day in the winter holiday season that typically sees the year's best selling days: Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Green Monday.

Though some of the other sales days in the holiday period such as Black Friday are traditionally for physical stores and Cyber Monday for online stores, Green Monday is primarily a digital shopping day virtual stores. The e-commerce market place, eBay, coined the term 'Green Monday' when they discovered that the second Monday of the year was one of the most profitable sales days between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, offering unbeatable discounts and deals on electronics, apparel and more.

The success of Green Monday can be attributed to a variety of factors. The convenience of shopping online allows amateurs to get great deals while still avoiding long lines and being able to purchase products before they essentially run out. Thus, this shopping day paves way for customers to get the best of discounts without breaking the bank. Moreover, retailers can whip up excitement with sales and promotions that start a month before Green Monday and stretch beyond that.

Apart from the added advantage of shoppers getting a head start, companies benefit too. Companies are able to reduce the buildup of holiday inventory as well as increase traffic to their online stores.

The online shopping experience can be made more rewarding for both shoppers as well as vendors. Shoppers save big with coupons and discounts, while vendors avoid the rush and plan their sale more carefully. This makes Green Monday an ideal time to shop for the holiday season when shoppers get great deals while the vendors get time to offer additional discounts and promotions.

To sum up, Green Monday is the second Monday of December and is one of the busiest retail shopping days, offering unbeatable discounts and deals on electronics, apparel and more. At the same time, it gives shoppers a chance to save big on their purchases and vendors to get rid of their holiday inventory. Thus, Green Monday is the perfect shopping day to get great deals and avoid the long lines that come with the traditional sales days before it.