EOS is a cloud-based, blockchain-enabled platform developed by the public company Block.one. Its main purpose is to provide a secure, reliable, and easy-to-use platform for DApps, decentralized business applications. With its infrastructure, EOS seeks to change the way applications and businesses are run, replacing the traditional reliance on servers and other networking structures with a decentralized, trustless distributed network.

The main feature of EOS is its consensus model, known as the delegated-proof-of-stake (dPOS). While traditional proof-of-work (PoW) consensus models require powerful hardware, dPOS is much faster and more efficient, and requires considerably less hardware and electricity. The dPOS system works by allowing token holders to select and vote for block producers to add new blocks to the blockchain. This ensures that all changes are reviewed and accepted according to the rules of the network.

In addition to its consensus model, EOS also facilitates a wide range of features that make it an attractive platform for developers. These features help to make business applications more secure and efficient. These include secure access and authentication, permissioning, data hosting, usage management, and communication between the DApps and the Internet.

EOS also manages a fast, secure and cost-effective cryptocurrency system known as the EOS token. The EOS token works as a proof-of-stake reward for valid work done, allowing users to receive rewards for their work on the platform and allowing developers to pay for resources used on the system. This gives developers a way to fund and run their applications.

The EOS.IO system architecture incorporates some of the best aspects of both public and private blockchains, giving users flexibility and efficiency. This means users can enjoy the benefits of distributed systems while still taking advantage of secure computing, data hosting and usage management.

With its fast and secure architecture, the EOS platform has established itself as a strong and viable alternative to the better-established Ethereum platform. EOS is designed to provide a more practical and secure DApp ecosystem, and its numerous features, such as permissioning, secure storage and reliable usage management, make it a strong competitor for Ethereum. It has also been making inroads in the enterprise space, as businesses look for smart contract and secure data hosting solutions.

EOS is a revolutionary platform that has the potential to revolutionize the way distributed applications and businesses are run. With its efficient consensus system and robust security features, it's no wonder that businesses are increasingly turning to the EOS platform to help them with their development needs. It promises to be an exciting and innovative tool that will change the way we interact with applications and businesses.