Debt Service: A Primer

Debt service is the money that companies have to pay to service the principal and interest portion of any outstanding debt that has been taken on during any given period. This amount can be calculated for loan repayment over any period, usually annual or monthly. The debt service ratio, commonly known as DSR, is an important tool used to measure a company’s ability to manage a debt load by examining its ability to generate consistent and reliable profits over a specified period of time.

The higher the DSR, the more debt a company can successfully manage. DSR is of particular importance to lenders, bond buyers, and other creditors because it determines how much money a company will be able to pay its debt obligations in the future. If the DSR is too high, lenders worry that a company has too much debt on its balance sheet and won't be able to manage or service it in the future.

The general rule of thumb is that a company should have no more than a 2.0 DSR to be considered creditworthy. This means that the cumulative total of all debt payments each year shouldn't exceed more than 2-3 times the company’s total earnings each year. This ratio is particularly important to lenders because it helps them to gauge the capacity of a company to pay back the debt.

To calculate the debt service ratio, you simply divide the reported figures for total debt payments by total profits for a given period. This formula usually takes into account all expenses for debt payments, including any and all interest due, as well as principal payments. A DSR of less than 1.0 is generally considered good for the company, but if it's too low lenders might be concerned that the company is underutilizing the capital it has access to.

In conclusion, debt service is an important measure of a company's financial health and worthiness when it comes to securing new funding from lenders or bond buyers. It helps lenders to evaluate the financial safety of a company and helps them to be confident in their ability to recoup any funds they may loan or invest. The debt service ratio is an important indicator of a company's ability to manage and service existing debt loads and demonstrate its potential for solid returns on future investments.