The dark web is a realm of the internet that is neither indexed by search engines, nor accessible to the average user. This aspect of the internet functions on encrypted networks that not only require a specific browser to access them, but also a certain level of technical knowledge. On the dark web, content remains hidden by default, making it difficult to find, track, or analyse.

Generally, the dark web can be seen as a haven of privacy and freedom of expression. Within this realm, users are able to keep their identities private, remain anonymous and communicate without censorship. In addition to this, it is also used to access sites and databases which are not indexed by conventional search engines, such as bank accounts, email accounts and much more.

However, with great freedom of expression also comes great risk. The dark web has a long standing negative connotation, being associated with a variety of criminal activities, such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and the sale of illegal goods. Moreover, it has recently become a popular venue for a variety of cyber-attacks, such as data theft, phishing, ransomware and malware.

In summary, the dark web is a complex network which has both benefits and risks. While it provides a platform for people to protect their privacy and enjoy freedom of expression, it also seems to facilitate some illicit activities, such as drug sale and cyber-attacks. Therefore, it is advisable to be aware and cautious when engaging in activities in the dark web.