Understanding and appreciating cross culture is a key factor in global communications and business opportunities. All successful business enterprises understand that dealing with people from different cultures is essential in international negotiations. This is why familiarity with the local language, customs and etiquette of the country or region is a must for any global traveler.

Cross culture education does not merely include understanding one’s own culture but also the culture of others. It involves learning about elements of foreign cultures such as language, customs and beliefs that are unfamiliar or different from one’s own cultural background. It also involves learning what values and beliefs the members of other cultures hold important. With this, people can better understand the communication needs, business etiquette, protocol and behavior that may be foreign to them.

Cross culture education teaches not just specific cultural differences in verbal and non-verbal communication, but also gives a better understanding of the nuances of values, expectations and motivations of people with different cultural backgrounds. It requires the blending of an appropriate situational understanding into the global business process.

Fostering cross culture understanding enables collaboration, eliminates language barriers, minimizes misunderstandings, alleviates cultural frictions and fosters harmony and peace in a working environment. It also helps create a stronger global network of business professionals that can open doors for growth and development.

Cross culture education should be an ongoing process for anyone involved in global or international business. To be successful in any foreign land, business people must learn the do’s and don’ts of a foreign culture. Understanding its nuances and recognizing cultural differences and similarities can bridge cultural gaps and prove to be critical for the success of any venture.

Cross culture education is necessary for business people in our globalized world. Without knowledge of how to deal with people from different cultures, business opportunities are often missed or don't end up meeting expectations. It is essential for success throughout the world. Learning to recognize, understand, and embrace these differences can yield unparalleled rewards.