Corporate Governance is the system through which corporate entities are directed, managed, and held accountable for their performance. This system is composed of a combination of rules, processes, practices, and the board of directors that drive how businesses operate and how the decisions of companies are made. It involves the way in which a company is structured, managed, and held accountable to its stakeholders, such as shareholders, creditors, employees, and customers.

The purpose of corporate governance is to ensure that a company is run effectively and efficiently while also promoting equity and protecting other stakeholders. Corporate governance has become an increasingly important topic not just in the corporate world but in the public sphere as well. When corporate governance is carried out with integrity, it allows for a well-managed organization, which leads to positive benefits both financially and in terms of public trust.

Issues of corporate governance come down to primarily accountability, fairness, transparency and responsibility, and the ability to manage risk proactively and responsibly. Every company is responsible for making sure there are appropriate policies and procedures in place to ensure that the business operations are being managed in an ethical and responsible way. Corporate governance is also about being open and honest with stakeholders, being fair in decision-making, being responsible and accountable for mistakes, and managing risks properly, as well as being financially viable.

At its core, corporate governance relies on good communication, a culture of accountability, and transparency in order to create a corporate environment that is beneficial for all stakeholders. Corporate governance principles are rules formulated to provide guidance and help to the board of directors, management and employees of the company in order to ensure that their operations and decisions are rooted in fairness, honesty and the highest ethical standards. Good corporate governance is critical for a successful enterprise, as it helps to ensure that the affairs of the company are managed in a transparent, accountable, and consistent manner.