Boilerplate is a type of legal document or computer code used to standardize language and pertinent information used in a variety of instances. The phrase “boilerplate” originates from the train tracks of the 19th century when predetermined steel plates were used as templates to make steam boilers. Boilerplates are used to streamline language and information while also saving time and money. The wide use of the term stretches from its use in contracts, where certain words or passages may remain unchanged, to the world of computer programming, where lines of code may be repeated across multiple applications.

In contracts, boilerplate passages are generally clauses related to process, procedure, and costs. These essential parts of a contract often remain the same and therefore, can be used as a template. Consequently, language is easier to understand, legal formalities are followed, and paperwork is easier to complete. The primary benefit of using boilerplate language is the amount of time and money saved by eliminating the need for multiple documents with the same basic information. However, the standardized language may not suit the unique needs of a particular contract. Therefore, great caution should be taken when using boilerplate language in contracts.

In computer programming, boilerplates are snippets of code that can be reused across numerous applications. Boilerplate programming can eliminate the need to write the same code multiple times and provide a standard foundation upon which a program can be built. This is especially useful when developing changes and updates to existing applications.

Overall, boilerplate language serves a purpose in both the contract world and the programming environment. Boilerplate passages can expedite paperwork, minimize cost, and provide a foundational basis for programming projects. Despite its benefit, it is wise to be aware of the drawbacks such as one-sided contracts and code that may not be equipped to handle different applications. As a result, boilerplate language should always be used with caution.