Blended rate is a method of calculating the interest associated with a loan that involves borrowing from multiple sources. It is a weighted average of the different interest rates associated with each source of funding, making it a great way for businesses to maximize their access to capital.

At its core, blended rate is nothing more than the effective rate of borrowing across multiple sources. It’s based on the idea that, by combining different loan products, a business can reduce their overall borrowing costs and create a more cost effective financing solution.

Businesses and organizations that are looking to generate a large amount of capital often blend multiple financing sources and strategies. Blended rate loans can be a smart strategy when the costs of a single line of credit or loan would be too much to bear alone.

For example, a company may decide to take out a long term loan, but include a short term loan to match the cash flow. By combining the two, they could save on high interest rates or refinance fees, which can be expensive. As a result, they are able to reduce their financing costs and potentially increase their borrowing overall.

Using blended rate can be a great way to maximize access to capital. By calculating the effective rate of the different loan products and then blending them, businesses and organizations can take advantage of the multiple benefits associated with the different types of financing. Additionally, a blended rate loan may be beneficial for businesses looking to combine sources of capital for large purchases or investments. By blending multiple loans with different maturities, the effective rate of the loan can be reduced and the terms of the loan can be adjusted for the merger and acquisition. In addition to access to capital, blended rate also promotes a more sustainable and efficient approach to capital management.

When it comes to business financing, blended rate can be a smart and cost effective way to maximize borrowing opportunities. Companies and organizations looking to access large amounts of capital quickly and easily should consider the benefits of utilizing a blended rate loan.