The concept of Blockchain may seem complicated to you. It is possible to say that it is definitely complicated but the basic concept is really simple. Blockchain is a type of database. To understand what a blockchain is, you must first have an understanding of what a database is. A database is a collection of information stored electronically in a computer system. Information or data in databases is typically structured in a tabular format so that certain information is filtered for easier finding. So, to store information; What's the difference between using a spreadsheet rather than a database? Spreadsheets are designed to store and access a limited amount of information for one person or a small group of people. Conversely, a database is designed to contain a much larger amount of information that can be quickly and easily accessed, filtered, changed by any number of users simultaneously. Large databases (which can sometimes be built using hundreds or thousands of computers to have the computing power and storage capacity required for many users to access the database at the same time), host data on servers made up of powerful computers. While a spreadsheet or database can be accessed by any number of people, it is usually owned by a company and managed by a dedicated person who has full control over how it works and the data in it. So what's the difference between a blockchain and a database?