There is a transaction fee depending on the payment method chosen for depositing and withdrawing from the bitcoin exchange. The higher the risk of chargeback from a payment instrument, the higher the transaction fee. A bank transfer or EFT has a lower risk of chargeback compared to depositing money into your account with PayPal or a credit / debit card, because funds transferred here can be withdrawn and returned to the user at the user's request.
In addition to transaction fees and money transfer fees, traders may also be subject to currency conversion fees depending on the currencies accepted by the bitcoin exchange. If a user transfers Canadian dollars to an exchange that only trades in US dollars, the bank or exchange office will convert that money into US dollars for a fee. Trading with an exchange that accepts the local currency is the best way to avoid transaction fees.
All bitcoin exchanges have transaction fees applied to each completed purchase and sale order made on the exchange. The fee rate depends on the volume of bitcoin transactions processed.
Important Note: The spread of the currency is an important measure when trading bitcoin and it varies depending on how liquid the bitcoin exchange is.
CandleFocus Editor
Special Considerations: Fees