
Wazirx Security Breach: Liminal's Analysis Points to Deeper Issues

Wazirx Security Breach: Liminal's Analysis Points to Deeper Issues
Liminal Custody, a custodial firm, has responded to allegations and misinformation surrounding the Wazirx security breach. The company clarified that while Wazirx blamed it for the incident, Wazirx actually continued to use Liminal's infrastructure to manage user funds. Liminal emphasized that it had no control over the wallets involved and criticized Wazirx for not implementing key security measures that could have prevented the breach. Liminal also reviewed the list of wallet addresses disclosed by Wazirx, noting that a majority of the addresses were hot wallets and only a few were managed through Liminal's infrastructure. The update also revealed that Wazirx continued to hold user assets on Liminal's platform, despite their accusations. Liminal further stated that it had no ability to initiate transactions or transfers as Wazirx controlled the wallets.

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