
These Firsts of Bitcoin Since 2009 Are Worth Noting

These Firsts of Bitcoin Since 2009 Are Worth Noting
This article highlights several significant moments and milestones in the history of Bitcoin. These include the first-ever Bitcoin transaction in January 2009 between Satoshi Nakamoto and Hal Finney, the purchase of two pizzas for 10,000 BTC in May 2010, the installation of the world's first Bitcoin ATM in October 2013, the creation of over 184.4 billion BTC through an exploit in August 2010, the theft of over 25,000 BTC from Mt. Gox in June 2011, the adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador in September 2021, Germany declaring Bitcoin as "private money" in August 2013, and China's ban on banks and entities handling Bitcoin transactions in December 2013.

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