
Troubling new Bitcoin research into Bitmain mining proxies

Troubling new Bitcoin research into Bitmain mining proxies
The research conducted by pseudonymous researchers Mononaut and 0xB10C confirms that Bitmain has a significant influence over the bitcoin mining network. The research reveals that many mining pools rarely switch away from Bitmain-led work templates, even though they technically have the ability to do so. The analysis shows that mining pools such as Poolin and have a high similarity to Bitmain-operated AntPool. Other pool operators, including Ultimus, Braiins, Binance, and Spider, also have a significant correlation to Bitmain. While it has been known that Bitmain manufactures the majority of bitcoin mining machines, its role in the day-to-day operations of mining pools is now under scrutiny. The researchers clarify that the similarity of work does not necessarily indicate that Bitmain controls the pools, but rather that miners accept Bitmain defaults and block templates out of convenience.

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