Private Equity Fund Decides To Acquire Majority Share Of Major Crypto Exchange Located In Japan
A Singapore-based private equity fund in Japan came to the agenda with important news.
- -This private equity fund made the news by announcing that it has plans to acquire a controlling stake in Japan’s major crypto exchange bitFlyer.
- -Planning led by Nikkei and Coinpost was carried out by the group that has agreed with a certain coalition of shareholders of bitFlyer Holding. This group stood out as the ACA group. It is also stated that he owns the majority of the shares.
In the agreement to be realized, the ACA group added that it will make a payment of approximately 370 million dollars. In addition, according to Nikkei’s statements, ACA will increase its corporate value and reveal different plans after the agreement it has made. The most important of these plans is that it plans to sell bitFlyer. However, apart from these statements, bitFlyer stated to Nikkei that there is no certainty on the subject.
Statements of Media Organizations Continue to Take Place on the Agenda!
Media organizations state that Kano, a well-known name in the Japanese crypto industry, continues to work to mediate the sale. The CEO made statements about making deals with Huobi and Mercari, the e-commerce platform, by owning a percentage stake in the company. The media stated that with the CEO owning 40% of the company, they think that these companies are negotiating sales on their own. It has also been revealed that Kano added value against the stock market. It is reported that this rate is just over 815 million US dollars.
- -CoinPost also stated that some discourses developed on Kano’s social media pages. One of these discourses stands out as a hostile attempt. However, according to Nikkei’s statements, it is seen that the shareholders made statements independently of the ACA. It is also stated that sales negotiations with the investors of the venture capital, which are among a certain group, are also undertaken by the shareholders of bitFlyer Holding.
According to media outlets, the shareholder group is willingly moving forward with making compensation. In particular, they reveal their decision to make up for the investments they have made and to take the pressure off to be listed on the stock market. According to the Japanese securities law, some companies that are interested in crypto will also not be allowed to be listed.