Willie Sutton Rule
Candlefocus Editor
When it comes to investing, many people may have heard of the phrase “low-hanging fruit”. This term is derived from Willie Sutton’s Rule and applies to investments that offer the highest likelihood of success with the least amount of effort. Instead of constantly searching for exotic stocks or bonds, invest in well-known and established stocks or bonds that have shown a consistent track record of success.
In medical situations, the Willie Sutton Rule provides an important guide to medical practitioners when it comes to making a diagnosis. Instead of thinking of the most obscure or complicated disease that may be at hand, it is important to start with the most common known illnesses first. By doing this, a doctor is able to rule out what is likely the most common problem. This rule serves to provide a Red Herring for doctors, allowing them to narrow down the cause of an illness quickly and easily.
The Willie Sutton Rule continues to offer useful advice to those who apply its principles. Whether you’re an investor or medical practitioner, by following Willie’s advice, you can save yourself time and energy. By seeking out the low-hanging fruit and starting with the most obvious solution, you can reduce the amount of time and effort you need to put into the process. William Sutton’s Rule continues to stand the test of time, proving to be an invaluable resource for investors and medical practitioners.