Wild Card Play
Candlefocus Editor
The seller exercising the wild card option predicts that the value of the Treasury bond they are selling will increase during after-hours trading and they are willing to take the extra time to wait and collect the highest possible sale price. By waiting until after-hours trading, the seller can benefit from any increases in the bond values that occur between the regular open market trading hours and the after-hours trading period. This allows them to maximize their profits from the sale of their Treasury bonds.
The wild card option is useful for those looking to offload large positions in Treasury bonds. By taking this route, they gain the opportunity to obtain the highest possible sale price for their bonds. The same can be said for those looking to short sell bonds as well; by waiting until after-hours trading, they could potentially receive a lower than expected price for their short position, and in turn, increase their profits.
However, the wild card option does come with some risks attached. The most prominent of these risks is that of liquidity risk; that is, the possibility that the bonds may not sell at the predicted higher price, or even at all. This could lead to lower than expected profits or even possible losses. Additionally, due to the lack of liquidity, some buyers may be hesitant to purchase bonds in the after-hours market. This could also reduce potential profits for sellers.
Overall, wild card play is an interesting option available to sellers of Treasury bonds in the futures market. While it may offer more favorable sale prices, it is important to be aware of the potential risks that come with exercising this option.