

An upstart is an individual who has had a very rapid elevation in social standing or class and lacks the requisite social skills and grace to handle it. This sudden shift in power and privilege can cause discomfort and animosity between the upstart and their new social circles, as the new-found status is often viewed with suspicion and distrust.

The term has its roots in the period of the British Empire, where the Victorian concept of ‘levelling’ was established – the idea of moving up the social ladder by displaying hard work, knowledge, diligence and deference. Later this levelling became warped to permit people to buy their way into the upper echelons of society.

In modern times, the term upstart refers to those who have, through any means, suddenly risen to a new class or in power and privilege, but are not familiar with the social dress and beliefs of this new group. Businesses and companies will oftentimes encounter upstarts in their midst – recently promoted, but unsuitable for their new placement.

As the upstart attempts to assimilate, he or she will be met with a great deal of skepticism, even hostility, by the individuals accustomed to the higher echelon. This is due to what can be seen as the upstart’s lack of social grace and etiquette – often the upstart will not understand, or simply ignore, certain codes of conduct that hold true in the new environment. This can be extremely damaging to the new upstart’s reputation and leave them feeling like an outsider.

Upstarts can often come across as arrogant or insufferable due to their ignorance – however, this attitude can also be harmful to their career. If the upstart is found to be deemed unsuitable for a position due to their inability to fit in with their co-workers and grasp their new roles, it can often lead to their dismissal in the end.

Therefore, the onus to display modesty, professionalism and an eagerness to learn the etiquette and expectations of their new environment falls on the upstart. To be accepted, and thrive, in a new class or rank, the upstart must demonstrate their commitment to the newfound circumstances by being open to advice and criticizing themselves when necessary.

Upstarts can be found anywhere, yet it is often in the business world that they rise and can be seen most prominently. For an upstart to successfully ascend the social ladder, they will need to be respectful, humble, and aware of the complexities of corporate culture. By doing so, they can remain both successful and socially accepted.

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