
Trade Sanction

Trade Sanction
Trade sanctions are one of the most important tools used by governments to express their foreign policy objectives. By limiting certain types of exports and imports with a certain country, the government can send a clear message to the targeted government or entity. Trade sanctions seek to either alter or retaliate against certain objectionable policies or to punish a country for a certain behavior.

Trade sanctions can be implemented in a variety of different ways. Export and import restrictions are considered the most common type of trade sanctions used by governments. These sanctions seeks to restrict certain types of goods from entering or leaving a country in order to achieve certain foreign policy objectives. For example, the United States has frequently imposed export restrictions on countries such as Iran and North Korea on the basis of national security considerations.

The diplomatic embargo is the most severe type of trade sanction as it creates a blanket prohibition on all types of trade with a specific country. A diplomatic embargo is usually implemented on the basis of violating the principles of international law or international human rights. For example, the US imposed a full diplomatic embargo on Yemen in 2016 in response to its poor human rights record.

Apart from export and import restrictions and full embargoes, governments can also use tariffs and quotas to restrict trade with other countries. These sanctions usually target specific goods rather than all possible imports and exports from and to the targeted country. Although these sanctions can be used to punish a certain country, they are often used as a protectionist measure against foreign competition.

Overall, trade sanctions are a powerful tool for governments to achieve certain foreign policy objectives. They can restrict certain types of trade, such as exports and imports, and even impose full diplomatic embargoes. They can also be used for protectionist measures, such as tariffs and quotas, rather than punishment. As trade sanctions become increasingly severe, it is important for governments to consider the potential long-term implications of their decisions before implementing them.

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