
National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA)

The National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) is a non-profit national trade organization which works to promote and advocate for insurance professionals and financial advisors throughout all fifty states of the United States and in the District of Columbia. Founded in 1890, NAIFA is highly respected for its efforts to further the best interests of its members, educate professionals on the industry, and advocate for regulations beneficial to the insurance and financial advising business.

At the core of the organization’s culture and mission is the NAIFA Code of Ethics, which was adopted to govern the members actions and decisions; what it means to be a professional in this field and to be held to a high standard of moral and ethical responsibility. The NAIFA Code of Ethics aligns with the ethics set forth by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards and the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD). This code regulations the members of NAIFA to such ethical values as knowledge and skills, integrity, respect for others, and trust.

As a trade organization, NAIFA is also a leading advocate and lobbyist for their members at the state and federal level. Through its initiatives, it strives to ensure favorable laws, regulations and policy decisions protect the future of the insurance and financial advising industry. It also makes a point to communicate with congressional leaders to ensure they understand the implications of their policy decisions and how they will affect the well-being of the industries’ members and the customers they serve.

NAIFA also puts forth a great deal of effort to provide its members with a vast array of educational materials, resources and tools to further their success. From its mobile app to the online learning platform, The Pinnacle Program, NAIFA provides members with the best tools available to stay current in their respective field of expertise and remain compliant with the industry regulations and laws. Additionally, members can benefit from several distinct services, such as association member discounts and marketing materials.

As an organization, NAIFA continually strives to create a favorable regulatory environment that safeguards the interests of insurance and financial professionals while ensuring they offer exceptional services to the public. Through its members and initiatives, it is one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the insurance and financial advising industry and sets the standard for professional excellence and ethical conduct.

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