
Hybrid Annuity

Hybrid Annuity
Hybrid annuities are becoming a popular investment strategy for Canadians as they combine the two main annuity strategies of fixed and variable annuities. The variable, or growth component, allots a portion of the investor’s savings into a mutual fund sub-account. This investment is subject to market inflation, allowing the investor to potentially benefit from the growth of the market. The fixed component guarantees a set, predetermined payment to the investor after retirement. Although both parts of the hybrid feature offer some growth and income, hybrid annuities are designed to be more balanced between the two formats.

When exploring hybrid annuities, there are a few key factors to consider. Pricing structures for hybrid annuities may vary, so the investor should research different providers to compare options. To protect their investments, many Canadians turn to hybrid annuities that are protected by a government-backed insurance. This provides an additional level of protection, often at a minimal extra cost. Hybrid annuities also offer flexibility when it comes to premium payments. The investor can select between fixed or flexible payments, allowing them to better plan their finances while taking into account the needs of their family.

Overall, hybrid annuities provide a great solution to those looking to balance their retirement savings portfolio with some growth and income. Although the specifics of this particular investment may be intimidating to some, understanding the basics and researching options should provide a level of comfort and assurance when selecting a hybrid annuity.

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