
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
The establishment of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in 1875, marked the beginning of Asia's first stock exchange. BSE is the oldest and the largest stock exchange in India with a market capitalisation of Rs. 1,12,32,934 crores (as of 05.01.2021). It is not only the oldest, but it is also the leading and most efficient stock exchange in India, boasting of an efficient electronic trading system.

The BSE was the first Indian exchange to launch a nationwide electronic trading system, BSE Online Trading (BOLT) in 1995, which is one of the fastest and most efficient in global markets. BOLT is designed to offer high flexibility, compatibility, performance, and reliability. BOLT has been instrumental in transforming the face of Indian financial markets, by effectively reducing the time required for trades to be completed. It facilitates investors to trade in equities, debt instruments, currencies, derivatives and mutual funds. It also provides services such as risk management, clearing, settlement, and investor education.

Today, the BSE is the world's tenth largest exchange with more than 5,500 listed companies. It contributes to the development and stability of India's capital markets by providing liquidity and transparency, which helps in the efficient allocation of capital. It is one of the most preferred exchanges for raising long-term capital, particularly for infrastructure projects in India. BSE is also an active member of the International Federation of Stock Exchanges and the World Federation of Exchanges.

Through their electronic trading system, services and innovative programs, the Bombay Stock Exchange has drastically revolutionised the Indian capital markets. It continues to provide a reliable and efficient platform to the corporate sector and investors alike to gain access to capital markets. The BSE is a testament to the essential role that exchanges can play in developing and promoting financial markets.

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