Position Exchange (POSI) is a cryptocurrency token that was developed by the team at Position Financial. It is the coin of the world’s first non-custodial DeFi transfer protocol and is designed to help users securely, quickly and seamlessly trade digital assets. Position Exchange was founded in 2020 by Eduardo Fuentes and Tim Lesser, who have both had more than 20 years of experience in the technology and finance industries. Their goal was to create a powerful and versatile DeFi transfer protocol that would allow users to trade digital assets without needing to rely on custodial wallets or exchanges. POSI is unique in several ways. First, it uses Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) consensus to ensure that all transactions are secure and validated correctly. Second, it is compatible with many popular DeFi protocol tokens, allowing users to easily access liquidity and swap between tokens. Third, it is highly customisable, supporting a variety of features such as staking, yield farming and leveraged trading. Finally, it is designed to be a very low fee transfer protocol, allowing users to save on trading costs. POSI is currently used for trading digital assets on the Position protocol. It can be used to swap between various tokens or in combination with staking strategies to maximise yield. Additionally, POSI can be used in return for cashback rewards, allowing users to gain a discount on their trades. The POSI token can be purchased or sold on various exchanges, such as Binance and Kraken. Additionally, POSI can be bought or sold on various DeFi protocols, such as Uniswap, Balancer and Kyber Network. Overall, Position Exchange is a unique DeFi protocol that allows users to securely, quickly and cheaply trade digital assets. Its highly customisable features make it attractive to both traders and casual users alike, and its BFT consensus ensures that all transactions are secure and reliable. For those looking to expand their digital asset portfolio, POSI can be a great way to do so.