Mdex (MDX)

$ 0.059200000000000000

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MDEX (MDX) is a cryptocurrency designed for decentralized trading and settlements on the Ethereum blockchain. It was founded by a team of engineers, economists and seasoned blockchain entrepreneurs from China and Europe. The MDEX platform enables the trading of cryptocurrencies in a secure and decentralized fashion, eliminating any form of central control. It has a core liquidity pool to ensure that users can always trade in the preferred token. MDEX also features a staking system that rewards users who provide liquidity to the platform with MDX tokens. The platform is also built with privacy and security in mind, with its distributed architecture allowing nodes to validate trading activities without the need for a central administrator. What makes MDEX unique is its focus on social trading, allowing users to follow and copy other successful traders across different token exchanges. This copy-trading feature provides access to a wide pool of experts whose knowledge can be leveraged to make better trading decisions. MDEX is also different in that it enables margin trading and short selling, allowing traders to maximize their profits on successful trades. Additionally, the platform includes an escrow feature that provides extra protection to traders, allowing them to transact confidently. Where MDEX can be used? MDEX can be used to trade a wide variety of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and many other altcoins. It can be used to trade derivatives and tokens of leading projects such as IDEX, NEXO, Airswap, Binance DEX, and more. Where to buy and sell MDEX? MDEX is available to buy and sell on a number of exchanges and trading platforms including, OKEx, and Huobi Global. It is also available on decentralized exchanges such as Uniswap, IDEX, and Kyber Network.