Liquity (LQTY)

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What is Liquity (LQTY) Cryptocurrency? Liquity is a digital currency created in 2017 as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that makes it easy for users to transfer money without the need for a third party. The main goal of the Liquity project is to create an accessible, fast and simple way for people to move money around the world and platform. Liquity has a focus on the merchant market and enabling merchant payments. Who founded it? The team behind Liquity includes CEO and founder Ilya Volkov and his fellow developers. They developed the coin in 2017 and have worked to launch the Liquity platform. What Makes it Unique? Liquity is unique due to its peer-to-peer architecture, which allows it to operate without the need for a third party and provides it with censorship-resistance. Additionally, it has a low transaction cost, which makes it appealing to merchants, and it has a strong focus on branding, promoting a fast and simple user experience. Where does it used? Liquity is currently used as a payment system for merchants, allowing them to accept payments quickly and securely. It can also be used as a digital currency to transfer money between users and to make payments for goods and services online. Where to buy/sell it? Liquity can be bought and sold on cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Bittrex, HitBTC and Binance. Additionally, its token can also be purchased directly from the Liquity website. Comments: Liquity is a great example of how cryptocurrency can be used to create simple and efficient ways of transferring money around the world in a secure and cost-effective manner. I think the fact that it is focused on the merchant market makes it particularly appealing, as it can be used to create an easier way of payment processing. I also think the low transaction cost makes it attractive to users, as it can help to save money on transactions.