Dodo (DODO)

$ 0.096500000000000000

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DODO is a new cryptocurrency that was launched in June 2020 by the DODO Foundation. It is a project combining the Ethereum network and DeFi (Decentralized Finance). The purpose of the project is to bridge the gap between centralized and decentralized finance and to provide a platform enabling all users the opportunity to access decentralized financial rewards. Who founded it? The people behind the DODO project include co-founders David Pan, Natasia Fan, and Nikolay Kondrashov. Pan has spent the last few years in technological roles within the cryptocurrency community, while Fan and Kondrashov are entrepreneurs in their own right. Pan also founded both the popular cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, and the decentralized PanC Generation network. What Makes it Unique? DODO differs from other cryptocurrencies in that it focuses on providing an efficient and cost-effective method of investment, borrowing and trading. In addition, the DODO platform has implemented various DeFi aspects, such as decentralized lending and borrowing platforms, which are usually associated with centralized finance. This offers users a more secure and cost-efficient method of accessing a variety of financial services and rewards. Where does it used? DODO has a wide range of uses, including allowing users to lend and borrow from a decentralized platform, providing access to savings and rewards from a range of DeFi projects, as well as offering asset trading opportunities. As well as this, DODO is being used by emerging companies and startups to offer a secure and easy-to-use fundraising platform. Finally, DODO is also popular within the world of eSports and gaming, providing gamers with an opportunity to participate in tournaments and gaming platforms using the currency. Where to buy/sell it? DODO is currently listed on a number of cryptocurrency exchanges, such as Binance,, and MXC Exchange, to name a few. To buy and sell DODO, users will need to register an account with a particular exchange, such as Binance, and then deposit funds into their Binance wallet. Once funds have been deposited, users will be able to buy DODO using either USD, EUR, USDT, or other supported cryptocurrencies. In conclusion, DODO is a unique cryptocurrency project which combines the Ethereum network and DeFi services to enable users to access financial rewards and various other opportunities. It is currently listed on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges and has been adopted by a growing number of companies and startups.