
Vandalism and Malicious Mischief Insurance

Vandalism and malicious mischief insurance is designed to protect businesses and homeowners from the financial losses resulting from criminal acts of vandalism and malicious mischief. Vandalism and malicious mischief involve intentional, criminal damage or destruction of the insured’s property. This type of coverage is often included in homeowner and commercial insurance policies, providing protection in the event of loss or damage caused by sudden and accidental events such as theft, fire, smoke and flooding. However, damage or destruction resulting from intentional acts such as spraying graffiti, smashing windows, or destroying landscaping, is not covered by traditional home and business insurance policies.

Businesses and homeowners affected by vandalism can experience major losses due an incident. For instance, a business may need to replace broken windows, repair damaged equipment, or clean up graffiti in order to keep their property looking attractive and inviting to customers. Damage to or destruction of homes, vehicles, boats or recreational vehicles can also be costly and disruptive, making vandalism and malicious mischief coverage an important and necessary form of protection.

Schools and churches, which often go unattended for extended periods of time, can be particularly vulnerable to vandalism and malicious mischief and should have this coverage in place. Damage caused by ex-partners is the type of vandalism and malicious mischief insurance that most often results in a claim. In addition, most policies do not provide coverage for homes that have been vacant for more than 60 days, or for acts perpetrated by any of the policy's named insureds.

Vandalism and malicious mischief insurance can help defray the costs of replacing, repairing or cleaning up damage associated with intentional acts of vandalism and malicious mischief. Businesses, homeowners, schools and churches should consider the importance of this type of coverage. It can significantly minimize expenses associated with recovering losses after a vandalism or malicious mischief event, allowing them to focus on restoring their property rather than worrying about how to pay for the repairs.

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